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Girl Scout Troop 1806

Girl Scout Troop 1806, based in Durham, North Carolina, is a multi-level troop for girls who are in Kindergarten through sixth grade.  Troop 1806 is based in south central/southwest Durham, but draws girls from the Durham-Chapel Hill area.

Troop 1806 has 44 registered girls who are currently divided into four patrols:  a 1st grade Daisy patrol (Sassy Sunflowers), a mixed 3rd/4th/5th grade Brownie/Junior patrol (the Incredible Angels), a 6th grade Junior patrol (the Leaping Tree Frogs), and a 7th grade Cadette patrol (the Black Roses).  Most of our patrols meet meet two or three times a month during the school year, with two quarterly troopwide meetings and one troopwide bridging in May.

Girls and Boys in Scouting:  Troop 1806 is exclusively for girls in first through seventh grade.  See the rest of this page (below), and the navigation bar on the left, for information on Girl Scouting with Troop 1806.  For information about boys in Scouting, click here.

daisy girl scoutsDaisy Girl Scouts:  Troop 1806 girls in first grade are known as Daisy Girl Scouts.  At the current time, Troop 1806 has seven first grade Daisy Girl Scouts, and may be willing to take up to two or three more.

browniesBrownie Girl Scouts:  Troop 1806 girls in the 2nd and 3rd grades are known as Brownie Girl Scouts.  Troop 1806 does not currently have a 2nd grade patrol, but currently does have a mixed 3rd/4th/5th grade Brownie/Junior  patrol.  This patrol may be close to full. 


junior girl scoutsJunior Girl Scouts:  Troop 1806 girls in the 4th and 5th grades are known as Junior Girl Scouts. Troop 1806 currently has one mixed 3rd/4th/5th grade Brownie/Junior patrol. This patrol does have room for a few more girls.

cadette girl scouts

Cadette Girl Scouts:  Troop 1806 has two Cadette patrols.  One is a 6th grade patrol that is open to taking new girls.  The other is a 7th grade patrol that has 16 girls and is not taking new girls. 



Boys in Scouting:  Girl Scouting is exclusively for girls.  Boys interested in Scouting can join the Cub Scouts (for boys in grades 1-5) or the Scouts BSA (for boys in grades 6-12).  Girl Scout Troop 1806 has partnering or association relationships with a Cub Scout pack and a Scouts BSA troop.  For more information on Cub Scouting and Scouts BSA, you can visit their respective websites here:  Cub Scout Pack 451 and Troop 451.


The Girl Scout ideals are expressed in the Girl Scout Promise, the Girl Scout Law, the Girl Scout Motto, and the Girl Scout Slogan:

The Girl Scout Promise:

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God* and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

* The word "God" can be interpreted in a number of ways, depending on one's spiritual beliefs. When reciting the Girl Scout Promise, it is okay to replace the word "God" with whatever word your spiritual beliefs dictate

The Girl Scout Law:

I will do my best to be
    honest and fair,
    friendly and helpful,
    considerate and caring,
    courageous and strong, and
   responsible for what I say and do,
and to
    respect myself and others,
    respect authority,
    use resources wisely,
    make the world a better place, and
    be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Girl Scout Motto: Be Prepared

Girl Scout Slogan:  Do A Good Turn Daily.